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Virginia Alberdi

Cuban Art Critic.

To visit an exhibition of painting should constitute an encounter with life experiences and dreams. Is in the artist's creative abilities and possibilities and in the disposition of whoever contemplates his work. To discern among view the purest pleasure, the coldest technical evaluation and references of the visited work. When a creator, paints on a canvas with an impeccable technique the possibility of emotion, we only have the desire to possess the piece, keep it zealously or feel the pleasure on showing it to those that can appreciate it.


The world created by Frómeta enters the most energetic color and indefinite forms to present that effect of conscious hallucination that takes to objects and landscapes which only we can identify in those illuminated stains. In another occasion I said that the abstraction in Frómeta is a visceral claim transformed into capricious forms and colors, it is a chaos generated by the force of its talent and genius, the proposal of a presence that doesn't need of a story to catch the attention and to fascinate with the enjoyment in the face of wealth of so much color and forms amalgamated", and not only I reiterate it today, but rather in the way that the work of this demiurge, fable writer is developed achieves the most sublime combinations in the diversity world of the purest abstraction. There are no secrets in creation for who arranges the colors with absolute accurately.

Figurative or abstract, Frómeta is always faithful to his intention of communicating that state of grace which identifies him, and makes us admire his creations.

  • NIGHT Acrylic and oil on canvas 65 x 54 cm 2007